Central Enrollment

Getting your student enrolled in Lowndes County Schools is as easy as 1, 2, 3!!


Fill out the ONLINE registration information.

**Please note that OLR (online registration) does not work on a smartphone. This process should be completed on a personal computer.

Click HERE to go to online registration.


Make an appointment to meet with a registrar to present your documentation.

Click HERE to make your appointment.


Gather all of your documentation and bring it with you to your scheduled appointment.

  • Proof of residence *See proof of residence below for additional information regarding which documents will be accepted.

  • Birth certificate

  • Child's social security card

  • Georgia immunization record (GA3231 Form)

  • Georgia Form 3300 (Certificate of Vision, Hearing, Dental, and Nutrition screening)

  • Custody/Guardianship documentation (if applicable)

  • Withdrawal Form and/or transcript or final report card from previous school to verify grade placement. *If you do not have this documentation, Central Enrollment will request records from the previous school, but a student will not be enrolled until all documentation is received.

  • Special education records (IEP, SST, 504, Gifted) and the name, mailing address and phone/fax number of previous school attended.

Instructions for families who are NEW to Lowndes County Schools.

Only the primary custodial parent or guardian is required at the  registration appointment. The student does not need to be in attendance, and other family members or friends will not be permitted.

  • Parents are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to fill out Online Enrollment Forms at the following site: Click Here To Register Online - after completion of online enrollment forms, you will be prompted to make an appointment to meet with a registrar.

    • If you do not have the capability to complete the online registration, you can come to the Lowndes County Board of Education and complete the online registration in our lobby. Our office is located at the end of the Lowndes County Board of Education Building closest to Norman Drive, adjacent to Goo Goo Car Wash).  Please keep in mind that you will need ALL documentation at the time of your appointment. It is NOT recommended that parents complete the Online Registration on a phone, but it can certainly be completed on any device with internet access. If you choose to complete the online registration in our lobby, you will need to arrive 20-30 minutes prior to your appointment time in order to complete the online registration prior to your appointment time.

  • All required documentation must be provided at the appointment time. 

  • Proof of Residence - Must be a current (within 30 days) electric, gas, water, cable, internet or satellite bill. These items must contain the name and address of the parent/guardian/legal custodian. (We do not accept any Proof of Residence not listed here)

  • Georgia Immunization Record (GA3231 Form)

  • Georgia Form 3300 (Certificate of Vision, Hearing, Dental, and Nutrition screening)

  • Student Social Security Card

  • Child's Birth Certificate (Must be a certified copy for PK, K, or 1st Grade)

  • Custody/Guardianship documentation All students MUST be registered by his/her primary custodial parent (in cases of divorce) or their legal guardian.  A Power of Attorney is not acceptable.  You must provide appropriate legal documentation.

  • Withdrawal Form and/or Transcript or Final Report Card from previous school to verify grade placement. **If you do not have this documentation, Central Enrollment will request records from the previous school, but a student will not be enrolled until all documentation is received**

  • Special Education Records (IEP, SST,504, Gifted) and the name, mailing address and phone/fax number of previous school attended

For the protection and safety of all persons, please adhere to the following requirements:  

1.  Visitors may choose to wear a face covering when social distancing is not possible.

2.  Visitors may be asked the following questions prior to entry: 

  • Have you traveled out of the country in the last 14 days?

  • Have you had contact with anyone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days?

  • Have you had any of the symptoms listed in the last 14 days?

    1. Shaking with Chills

    2. Muscle Pain

    3. Headache

    4. Sore Throat

    5. Loss of Taste or Smell

  • Are you currently experiencing any of the above symptoms?

Change of Address

If your child is a current Lowndes County Schools student, and your address has changed:

  • You can download and print the Change of Address forms.

  • If you do not have the capability to download and print the change of address forms, one can be picked up at the Central Registration Department (located at the end of the Lowndes County Board of Education Building closest to Norman Drive, adjacent to Goo Goo Car Wash).  

Submitting your change of address forms:

  • Once you have completed these forms, you can scan and email the Change of Address forms, along with a copy of your proof of residence  & a copy of the Parents PHOTO ID to: iccentral-l@lowndes.k12.ga.us

  • –OR– you can drop them off at the Lowndes Board of Education Central Registration area at the end of the building closest to Norman Drive (adjacent to Goo Goo Car Wash at 1592 Norman Drive, Valdosta, GA  31601).